We are almost done decorating the baby room. It has been fun. In the first picture note the "paddle" on display next to the changing table.

This next photo is of the crib and also the quilt that we hung. I love the Noah's Ark bedding. It is so cute. My mom made the quilt that is hung up above the crib a long time ago. She made lots of stuff, including material books, bibs and other blankets and put it away for the day we had kids. This quilt is my favorite.

In the next picture you can see the all important diaper genie in the corner and also a picture that Jeff picked out for the room because he said we needed some actual art. You can't really see it because of the flash but it is a Picaso print that has a music theme to it. Jeff said the Picaso style was kind of kidish. I can see that. You can also see the very top of our bags that are prepacked for the hospital. I guess all this free time has paid off. I feel so prepared. : )

The next picture is the closet (I forgot to shut the door) and our little bookshelf. On the bookshelf are two trophies. Jeff thought it would be cool to dig out some trophies he got when he was Iittle. They are from when he was 6 and 7 years old.

Last but not least I thought it would be fun to throw in a "before" picture.