Saturday, July 29, 2006

New mini-refrigerator

While at Costco yesterday looking for shelves for the garage, (one shelving unit was set up in the last blog photo behind the couch) we saw a mini-refrigerator. Jeff has been wanting one for a while and in a moment of weakness I gave in. Now normally I know best, of course, but this time I think Jeff was right. Our other refrigerator has so much more space and feels more organized when the drinks were put in this refrigerator. I love feeling organized.


Originally I was going to try to do a self portrait Friday, but I kept forgetting to take photos so I will display what I have. The first is me right after my shower.

Next is our big job for the day. Now I know that I posted a messy garage before and yes we did end up cleaning it, but again it got messy.

Jeff is loading up the truck with Good Will stuff and some trash. He actually has his hands on the air conditioner we borrowed from the church. Our new air conditioner we ordered on line arrived in the mail yesterday so we decided to return this one to the church. It will be a while until we get to use ours I think. Lately is has been very cool and nice.

Yeah! Things are looking much cleaner.

Monday, July 24, 2006

jeff is my hero

It has been very hot here the last few days. I tried to find a portable air conditioner but every single one in San Jose is sold out so I ordered one online. (It will arrive when the heat wave is over. Sigh.) Jeff could tell that I had had enough of the heat so he took the portable air conditioner from his office at church to our house and worked from home today. It is just enough to cool one room. Jeff is my hero.

The heat has done what the exterminators couldn't

For those of you that don't know, we have carpenter bees that live in the wood patio covering in our back yard. A few days ago I noticed about seven of the bees lying on the ground pretty much dead and a few were not formed all the way. I washed them into the plants and wondered if it was the heat that was killing them. Yesterday a few more appeared and then today there were about twenty of them on the ground and a few were really almost just larvae still. My hypothesis is that the heat is baking them in the wood and they are coming out to escape and then just bake on the patio. I almost feel bad but I know that I will now have about 30 less bees to deal with later on. The exterminators that have been out two times now have never taken out this many.

It's flippin' hot

So are we all hot enough? I just about cried when I read on line that the temperature should go from a high of 100 degrees today (yesterday was 104) to 86 tomorrow and continue to drop. I don't know how people in other parts of the country survive. (chris..)

Yesterday our power went out at around 2:30 p.m. so we went to the mall to escape the heat. While we were there a transformer blew and caught on fire so the power in the mall went out and we had to leave. We came home late after dinner to our very hot house. We just started blowing the hot air out and the cool air in and... yes the power goes out again at about 9:30. Since it was still way to hot in the house I went out and sat in our hammack on the back patio. After an hour I realized the power was not likely to come back on so I told Jeff I was sleeping in his truck with the air conditioning on. At 2:00 a.m. I saw the lights in the house were back on so I went in and started the fans again and was able to sleep in my own bed. : )

Yeah for cool temperatures on the way.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Just about done

We are almost done decorating the baby room. It has been fun. In the first picture note the "paddle" on display next to the changing table.

This next photo is of the crib and also the quilt that we hung. I love the Noah's Ark bedding. It is so cute. My mom made the quilt that is hung up above the crib a long time ago. She made lots of stuff, including material books, bibs and other blankets and put it away for the day we had kids. This quilt is my favorite.

In the next picture you can see the all important diaper genie in the corner and also a picture that Jeff picked out for the room because he said we needed some actual art. You can't really see it because of the flash but it is a Picaso print that has a music theme to it. Jeff said the Picaso style was kind of kidish. I can see that. You can also see the very top of our bags that are prepacked for the hospital. I guess all this free time has paid off. I feel so prepared. : )

The next picture is the closet (I forgot to shut the door) and our little bookshelf. On the bookshelf are two trophies. Jeff thought it would be cool to dig out some trophies he got when he was Iittle. They are from when he was 6 and 7 years old.

Last but not least I thought it would be fun to throw in a "before" picture.
In the last month of pregnancy shaving my legs has become a feat designed to test my strength, agility and flexibility.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


it is amazing the amount of stuff I can get done when I really don't want to do something else.

Baby Crafts

Jeff and I went to Michael's and bought some crafts to do for the baby's room. The first one is of some wood letters I painted and a shelf hook thing that Jeff used a very light stain on. I thought it came out cute. We decided that the baby's name will probably be Micah so we bought the letters. I decided after spending a few hours painting the letters that we better stick with Micah because I don't want to have to throw these out and start over. Then in the shower I had a moment of panic as I thought that Micah just didn't sound right and now maybe I am stuck with it. I thought what I think Sarah or Chris said about a name taking a while to sound "right". I hope I am more sure about the name soon.

This second picture is going with the Noah's ark theme. I stained the wood frames and then glued the little animals I got at Michaels onto the frames. I thought this one came out cute also. Now I just have to fill them with pictures.

The last picture I will completely give Jeff credit for. While in the wood section at Michael's he saw this oar, AKA "paddle" and had to get it. Then he found these wood letters and got them to put on the "paddle" after he stained them. I don't know if you can tell, but this thing is big. Way bigger than the baby will be at first. Jeff thinks it is hilarious and hung it in the baby's room. Oh my....

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Happy 29th!

It was Jeff's birthday yesterday, although Jeff and I are going to celebrate tomorrow by going out to San Francisco and hanging out there for the day. For dinner yesterday Kevin, Luann and Ashley took us out to a nice restaraunt downtown. We had great food. This is Jeff posing for a photo before blowing out his candle.

Happy 29th Jeff!

I love my cat

This is how my cat Al likes to sleep sometimes. Other times he likes to sleep on my face. : )

He is so adorable. He is also highly needy in the attention department and I worry about how he will be after the baby arrives. People have told me that once you have kids the cats no matter how well loved fall to the side and get ignored as you spend all of your time with your new baby. I love my cat very much, but I can see how he might not get as much attention. We'll see what happens, but for now here is my sweetie. I love my cat.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Will you be my wife?

Jeff and I went to the outlets yesterday to shop for clothes and stuff. Well... I looked longingly at cute stuff and Jeff actually bought stuff. : ) When we were done shopping we went over to Applebee's at the outlets for dinner and the guy right next to our table proposed to his girl friend. I have never seen anyone propose before except on TV. It was very sweet.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Visiting an old friend

Yesterday I went over to see my friend Rachael. Rachael and I got to know each other when Jeff was in a band with her husband probably 6 or 7 years ago. We also lived next door to each other for about a year before she had kids. We used to hang out a lot, but now we only see each other once in a while for special events. She was not able to come to my 30th birthday party so she asked me over to have lunch and hang out. It was very nice. Rachael is a wonderful cook so I always know I will get something good at her place. As wonderful as lunch was though the brownies... oh my... she made them from scratch and... well I can't tell you... YUM! I think that about sums it up. : )

This is a picture of her and her kids. Kayla is 3 and Landon is 2. They are adorable. It was fun.

8 months down.... a little less than 1 to go

Here I am a little less than a month out (at least according to my due date of August 6th). I can't tell for sure but I don't think I have done the lightening thing yet. If I do and I think it looks different then I will take a picture and post it.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Babies R Us boycott

I had a really not good experience at Babies R Us today. There were rude workers, lazy workers, uneducated workers and very long waits in line. But after getting really ticked about all this I realized that I always have this kind of experience at Babies R Us, just usually not this bad. For a store whose main customers are pregnant women or women with children they don't do a very good job in the customer service department.

I am not going to go to extremes to boycott them, if I know I want something and I can find it there I will buy it, but I will try other places first. I wonder if maybe just this one is San Jose is bad. Anyway I just had to vent.

Breastfeeding class

I went to a breastfeeding class last night. I thought it was really good. Most of the stuff I had already read about, but it was good to hear it again from a real person and ask any questions I might have. I have liked all of the classes I have gone to so far. Most of them again went over information that I had read about but I liked hearing the information from a different perspective. The classes have also all given information on local support in case I should need it. That is nice.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Getting Ready

I have been busy recently organizing baby stuff. I had a shower at the church on Sunday (pictures hopefully coming soon) so anything I don't have by now I need to go out and buy. I feel so blessed to have so many people give us gifts for the baby. We are definitely spoiled and so thankful. Baby buying can be really expensive and way more expensive without help.

It will be fun to go this week and finish buying the rest of the stuff, organize the room, pack for hospital so we will be ready and then the waiting game will begin.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


A couple weeks ago Jeff and I decided to go out to breakfast. I forgot to post our conversation.

Jeff: Where do you want to go to breakfast?
Me: Hmmm.. I don't know. Pancakes sound good.
Jeff: We could go to IHOP.
Me: Yeah... or what about the House of Pancakes. That sounds good.
Jeff: (said in a somewhat sarcastic tone) Yeah... the Internation House of Pancakes sound like a great idea. Good thinking Wendy.
Me: Thanks. (Not catching on)

I got it after a little bit. I guess being 30 really as slowed down the brain a little.

Lazy Day

Sometimes it is nice just to have a lazy day. It is weird how I get stressed out if I feel like I should get stuff done and then don't accomplish it. I feel guilty and like I am a failure. Today was one of those days. Then I thought, why am I so upset? I have the next few weeks to get stuff done. Why don't I just say that today is a lazy day. All of the sudden I am having a great day without guilt and hey if I get something done today I can feel like an overachiever instead of just thinking I should have got more done.

Here is to lazy days! I may not get too many in another month from now.

Happy 4th of July!

We went with some friends of ours to a fireworks show at a church called Church On The Hill. The church is on a hill overlooking San Jose. It was a great view. The show was free and really good. We enjoyed some KFC complete with biscuts, mashed potatoes and gravy. I forgot to get any pictures of fireworks. Oh well.

The first picture is Jeff and Kevin hanging out. Kevin just got his masters in photography so I told him to take a picture of Heather and I and make us look like super models. Heather told me we didn't need Kevin's expertise because we already look like supermodels so we decided on a natural pose instead.

When the show was over at 10:00 pm we decided to walk down the hill instead of taking the bus. We walked down on the other side of the church carrying all of our stuff. When we got to the bottom we realized that the street did not go through back to where we parked. We walked to the next street and again it did not go through to the other side. The third street we got to led us onto an expressway where we walked for almost a quarter of a mile until we finally made it back to the church. We must have walked at least 2 miles trying to get back to the church. It was so ridiculous we were laughing so hard. For those of you who know how Jeff gets when he starts in on something might understand how funny Jeff was making his sarcastic comments. I think some of the comments had to do with the fact that is was late, Kevin was in slippers, I am 8 months pregnant, we were carrying chairs, blankets, food etc, etc.. Memories being made. Fun.

Wedding Celebration

Our friends David and Tanya got married this weekend. David was in the band that Jeff was also in. The follow picture is of the elevator that we took down to the restaraunt for the rehearsal dinner. Jeff was supposed to play a song in the ceremony but stuff did not work out, but we still got an invite to the rehearsal dinner. The restaraunt is called the Shadowbrook and it is in Santa Cruz. It has great food and is very nice. We had appetizers out by the river the restaraunt is on and then went in for the dinner. It was nice. I wish a got more pictures but this is it.

This is the actual ceremony. It was very nice.

Jeff took part in the money dance. He decided to dance with David. I think he really liked pinning the money to David's clothes. Do they look a little too close for comfort?

This last picture is of some of the guys dancing. They really were dancing when I took the picture. It just looks like they are standing around talking.

Congratulations David and Tanya!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

A hunting I will go

For those of you who know how much I love cats you may be surprised by this post. I have been having problems with stray cats pooping on my property. They poop on the sidewalk, on my driveway, in the flowerbeds and in the grass in the front and back. I am tired of stepping in kitty crap. There is also one that sprays on stuff in our back yard. Well.... I have decided to fight back.

I purchased a pellet gun and amo and began my training in LA. I started practicing on dog toys my brother had in his back yard and moved up to cans. I am an OK shot although Jeff is much better. Now for those of you who are appalled by this violence on my part I will share that my brother and I both shot at each other to see how much it hurt. It does sting quite a bit but I am pretty positive it will cause no permenant damage to the poor little kitty cats who are soon to feel the bite in their backsides.