I love my cat

This is how my cat Al likes to sleep sometimes. Other times he likes to sleep on my face. : )
He is so adorable. He is also highly needy in the attention department and I worry about how he will be after the baby arrives. People have told me that once you have kids the cats no matter how well loved fall to the side and get ignored as you spend all of your time with your new baby. I love my cat very much, but I can see how he might not get as much attention. We'll see what happens, but for now here is my sweetie. I love my cat.
How about I give you Seven so that he has a friend? ;)
I don't know...while our dogs probably get a little less attention, we're aware of that and make a conscious effort to love on them. So I think it balances out. Plus they're so protective of Emily that they're always around to pet.
I love your opening statement.
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