A hunting I will go

For those of you who know how much I love cats you may be surprised by this post. I have been having problems with stray cats pooping on my property. They poop on the sidewalk, on my driveway, in the flowerbeds and in the grass in the front and back. I am tired of stepping in kitty crap. There is also one that sprays on stuff in our back yard. Well.... I have decided to fight back.
I purchased a pellet gun and amo and began my training in LA. I started practicing on dog toys my brother had in his back yard and moved up to cans. I am an OK shot although Jeff is much better. Now for those of you who are appalled by this violence on my part I will share that my brother and I both shot at each other to see how much it hurt. It does sting quite a bit but I am pretty positive it will cause no permenant damage to the poor little kitty cats who are soon to feel the bite in their backsides.
Hey, you are nicer than me. Good luck.
Oooo--you might have inspired me to do the same!
Yes, someone finally listened and you got the gun!
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oops - that was me trying to post - I'm not sure what to say except I think I might be proud of you. :) Good job protecting your house.
that is sick and mean. from one of your students
stop the craziness you dark soul!!! kitty cats don't no any better. maybe just a small squirt of water from a water gun would send a clear message. thank you
Steve here...Yea for you!!! To the anonymous posters...show yourselves...Cats may no better, but they probably don't KnoW better...sheesh...
Lon is right, you're much nicer than us...I'd put out some cat food with anti-freeze in it... Viola, no more kitty!!!
Or a shotgun...have you ever seen what a .45 does to a cat...BLAM...just some blood and fur...
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Oops, sorry about the deleted comment.
Well, now that you have all met my husband. Sorry to all who my have been offended. He means well.
I can't spell either. I even put my instead of may in my last post.
Hey, here is to blood and kitty fur....LOL
Wow. This is the most exciting post I have had. I should talk more often about controversial issues. If it makes the cat lovers feel better I have not had the heart to use the gun yet. I have been trying to scare the cats away by charging them and hissing at them. One of the cats just stood and growled back at me so I don't know how effective this method will be. If I don't see some results in the next few days plan B will definitely go into effect.
Steve: It was nice to meet you. No offense taken although I will say that I would recommend my method (plan B) before blood and kitty guts. It is much easier to clean up. : )
I'd say try it, and see if it works. I know how desperate you must be if you're going to these extremes.
What a bunch of whimps......You're not killing them! You are only training them with negative reinforcement. After all they are animals, they aren't as intelligent as we are and so a little pain (negative reinforcement) is a great idea. Those of you who don't leave your name can't believe in your opinion enough to stand behind it.
Good Hunting
Thanks Mom.
Way to go Mom! I love it.
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