Originally I was going to try to do a self portrait Friday, but I kept forgetting to take photos so I will display what I have. The first is me right after my shower.

Next is our big job for the day. Now I know that I posted a messy garage before and yes we did end up cleaning it, but again it got messy.

Jeff is loading up the truck with Good Will stuff and some trash. He actually has his hands on the air conditioner we borrowed from the church. Our new air conditioner we ordered on line arrived in the mail yesterday so we decided to return this one to the church. It will be a while until we get to use ours I think. Lately is has been very cool and nice.

Yeah! Things are looking much cleaner.

Next is our big job for the day. Now I know that I posted a messy garage before and yes we did end up cleaning it, but again it got messy.

Jeff is loading up the truck with Good Will stuff and some trash. He actually has his hands on the air conditioner we borrowed from the church. Our new air conditioner we ordered on line arrived in the mail yesterday so we decided to return this one to the church. It will be a while until we get to use ours I think. Lately is has been very cool and nice.

Yeah! Things are looking much cleaner.

Good job. Looks great.
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