Thursday, August 31, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
New Stuff

I am excited about my new earpiece for my phone. I have wanted one for a while, but could not find one that fit my ear well. I have very small ears so the ones I tried before fell off. I found one that fit well and the manager gave me a discount half off. It is especially nice to have in the car when I am driving so I have both hands free and with the baby at home it is also useful to have the use of both hands. Also it is VERY comfortable so sometimes I just leave it on in case someone calls. You just tap it and you are connected. Very cool.
Goodbye Lizards

On Friday last week I said goodbye to my bearded dragon lizards. I have really enjoyed having them, but I am only teaching 3 periods next year and I know with the baby I will not have the time to devote to them that I have had in the past. So.... I gave them to another teacher who teaches life science at my school. She had a big iguana named Godzilla but he passed away last year so she was really excited to get the lizards. You could not hold Godzilla because he was really mean so it will be neat for her students to be able to hold these lizards. I will miss them a lot.
The first picture shows Honey (girl) on the right and Moon (boy) on the left. "HoneyMoon". They are married, hence the names and are about 9 years old. Since bearded dragons in captivity live to be about 10 years old they may pass away soon. I will be sad. I let them run around on my back patio this summer after cardboard gates were put up so they would not escape. They love to sit in this tub and pretend to swim. One of their favorite pass times. The next picture shows Lizzy (boy). He is only 3 years old so has a long life ahead of him. The day before I brought them to the other teacher I almost lost Lizzy. Jeff and I kidsat three boys for another couple at my church on Wednesday night. Jeff and the boys played tag and so they moved the cardboard. When they put the cardboard back one of the pieces had a hole for the lizards to escape. The next day I did not notice the hold. When I went out to put the lizards away that afternoon Lizzy was gone. Now if you have seen my backyard you know if has LOTS of ivy. Rats and cats (I'm not kidding) live in it. If a lizard gets in the ivy there is almost no way I would ever find them in it. Panicked I looked in the back yard and Lizzy is sitting with his head in the ivy and his body and tail showing out of it. I couldn't believe he had got so close to escape. I scooped him up giving him kisses and thanked God for watching over him.
Recent Happenings
All is going well on the home front. This weekend was pretty busy. I think it felt more busy because taking care of a baby takes more time. On Saturday we went in the morning to help out with a church Flea Market and Boutique. Actually is turned out that Jeff helped and I was just there to hang out. That afternoon we went to a wedding. It was a really nice ceremony. The guy we know helped out with the youth group of a sister church of ours that we used to pair up with for youth events. He is a really cool guy so it was fun to see him tie the knot.
On Sunday we went to church and then later that night we had a "Couples Connection". It is a group we are trying to start with other young couples to hang out with and have bible studies. I am excited about it so I hope we can get it going on a regular basis. We will see. It would be nice because we could talk about marriage and parenting and life stuff. Say a prayer for us that we can get something going that would benefit all of the couples involved.
On Sunday we went to church and then later that night we had a "Couples Connection". It is a group we are trying to start with other young couples to hang out with and have bible studies. I am excited about it so I hope we can get it going on a regular basis. We will see. It would be nice because we could talk about marriage and parenting and life stuff. Say a prayer for us that we can get something going that would benefit all of the couples involved.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Going to work... sort of
Yesterday I went to my school to show off Micah and say hello to teachers and other staff. The first day back for teachers in my district was yesterday for an inservice. School starts for students tomorrow, Wednesday. It was really weird to just visit and then leave saying, "See you in two months". It was nice to see everyone but I know I am not ready to leave Micah and go back. Mostly because I would miss him like crazy, but also because we have no real schedule so it would be hard. Hopefully in the next couple months something like a schedule will begin to emerge so that part will be easier. We'll see.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
A Family Visit

My dad's family came back to visit on their way down from Portland. My dad made us pancakes the first day and french toast today. Yum.

My dad also showed Jeff how to change out outlets so we have 3 prong outlets instead of 2 prongs everywhere in the house. Very NICE. One of the outlets Jeff wanted grounded so that he doesn't have to worry about blowing up his music equipment. My dad went under the house to ground the outlet with all of the yucky spiders. That is love.

It was a fun visit with Grandpa Lance, Grandma Susan, Uncle Mathew and Uncle Steven.
Micah and his dad

Picute 2: Dad wakes up and spends some time with Micah.
Picture 3: This is Micah's glamour shot pose.
Picture 4: Jeff makes dinner while watching Micah. Can you find Micah in this picture?
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Another Great Night
Micah had another really good night last night. Oh, and Micah is still really easy. I don't want anyone thinking he is hard based on the last post... yet. It could change. I have heard stories of some of the babies who just can't be consoled. When Micah cries he is always crying for a reason so far. After thinking about it I think Mom (that's me) might have ruined the easy eat-sleep-eat cycle for a couple days because I am eating foods that make Micah gassy. He was the perfect sleeper again last night so I am hoping things will continue going well. We'll see, and yes, Micah is PERFECT but his stomach may not always be. : )
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
A real baby
Well, Micah is officially becoming a real baby. Translation is that he is more cranky (gas I think) and doesn't always sleep perfectly. I am sure this is only the beginning so I am trying to gear up to the challenge of having... gasp... not a perfect baby. I have 2 explanations for the two week perfect baby time. You tell me which you think it is. Number 1- God knows that it takes about two weeks for mom to feel almost human again after the birth so he gives us a short break before the storm hits. Number 2 - God likes a good practical joke and so he thinks it is funny for parents to think they have the perfect baby who never cries and who could sleep through the whole night and then... wham... baby wakes up and wants what he wants and wants it now or he is going to cry his little head off regardless of if you, the parent, understands what they want or even have the ability to give it to them.
I am going with number one because I want to think the best of God, but... what do you think? Could there be a number 3 explanation?
I am going with number one because I want to think the best of God, but... what do you think? Could there be a number 3 explanation?
Friday, August 11, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
More family photos
My mom helped with the birth and stayed the week to help out with whatever needed to be done. She was awesome. I didn't have to worry about anything but enjoying being a new mom. Her husband Jim also stayed and helped. There was no shortage of hands when I neded a nap.

My brother, David, and his wife, Melissa, and my nephew, Caiden, came up for the weekend. It was nice to have them visit. Jeff and David spent some time playing poker.

Pam also stayed the weekend. She couldn't get enough of Micah. I was sad to see them all go.

My brother, David, and his wife, Melissa, and my nephew, Caiden, came up for the weekend. It was nice to have them visit. Jeff and David spent some time playing poker.

Pam also stayed the weekend. She couldn't get enough of Micah. I was sad to see them all go.

There's a bird loose in the house
As I was nursing Micah yesterday I heard a bird that sounded like it could be inside. The front door was open so I also knew the bird could be on our front porch; much more likely than inside. After Micah was done I went to inspect but all was quiet by this time. I shut the front door changed Micah's diaper and went into the den to sit. I had just sat and the bird started to chirp again. I knew the front door was closed so the bird had a good chance of being inside if I could hear it so well. I got up to look and saw a hummingbird fluttering around bonking his head on the ceiling. I opened the front door again, but hummingbirds it turns out are not so bright. After chasing it around climbing on couches and using a plate to try to move it out I gave up and used a big paper bag. I scooped him out and he landed on the porch window. I looked after a while and he was gone. After contemplating why a hummingbird would come inside I realized we have flowers on our porch and a bright orchid just inside our door. He must have seen the orchid and come to explore. Poor thing is probably traumatized for life.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Going Home 2
Here is the welcome comittee when we came home.

We celebrated with champagne (or apple cider) and chocolate covered strawberries for Micah's home coming. The chair I am sitting in has been named the princess chair. Everyone has been helping so much I have felt like a princess. I hardly have to get up. My mom and Jim have been staying with us and have been an awesome help.

Dad and Susan got to hold Micah for the first time.

We celebrated with champagne (or apple cider) and chocolate covered strawberries for Micah's home coming. The chair I am sitting in has been named the princess chair. Everyone has been helping so much I have felt like a princess. I hardly have to get up. My mom and Jim have been staying with us and have been an awesome help.

Dad and Susan got to hold Micah for the first time.