Goodbye Lizards

On Friday last week I said goodbye to my bearded dragon lizards. I have really enjoyed having them, but I am only teaching 3 periods next year and I know with the baby I will not have the time to devote to them that I have had in the past. So.... I gave them to another teacher who teaches life science at my school. She had a big iguana named Godzilla but he passed away last year so she was really excited to get the lizards. You could not hold Godzilla because he was really mean so it will be neat for her students to be able to hold these lizards. I will miss them a lot.
The first picture shows Honey (girl) on the right and Moon (boy) on the left. "HoneyMoon". They are married, hence the names and are about 9 years old. Since bearded dragons in captivity live to be about 10 years old they may pass away soon. I will be sad. I let them run around on my back patio this summer after cardboard gates were put up so they would not escape. They love to sit in this tub and pretend to swim. One of their favorite pass times. The next picture shows Lizzy (boy). He is only 3 years old so has a long life ahead of him. The day before I brought them to the other teacher I almost lost Lizzy. Jeff and I kidsat three boys for another couple at my church on Wednesday night. Jeff and the boys played tag and so they moved the cardboard. When they put the cardboard back one of the pieces had a hole for the lizards to escape. The next day I did not notice the hold. When I went out to put the lizards away that afternoon Lizzy was gone. Now if you have seen my backyard you know if has LOTS of ivy. Rats and cats (I'm not kidding) live in it. If a lizard gets in the ivy there is almost no way I would ever find them in it. Panicked I looked in the back yard and Lizzy is sitting with his head in the ivy and his body and tail showing out of it. I couldn't believe he had got so close to escape. I scooped him up giving him kisses and thanked God for watching over him.
I'm not a big lizard person, but I'm sad for your loss. At least you're giving them to someone that you know and they'll be somewhere that you can still see them.
I'm sorry to see them go too. But I think it is the right thing to do and the other teacher sounds like she will take good care of them. I'm sure you can visit them.
That's a close call. I'm glad he didn't go too far. I wonder if he could survive out there.
By the way, you said lizards in captivity live about 10 years. Do you know how long they are supposed to live if they go free?
How sad. Well, I'm glad I met them when I did. So, what's next for the bud family. Lizards, Hedgehogs, silk up will be?????
Pam: I forgot how long they live in the wild, but I know it was a shorter life span.
Melissa: A kid is enough to fill my time so we may not see anything else for a while.
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