Monday, May 29, 2006

Pam was here

I didn't get very good pictures of the weekend with Pam. We ended up eating most of the weekend it seemed. We went to a couple of BBQs. One was for a friend of Jeff and I, the other was with Pam and Jake's friends. Pam and Jake, her husband, have friends that live in San Jose and San Francisco. They all met up in San Jose for a BBQ on Saturday. Good food.

Pam also helped me look for a dress for the 8th grade graduation, Ashley's graduation and a wedding in July for friends of Jeff and I. We finally found something that I didn't look too much like a fat cow in. Yeah.

Pam helped me apply a band aid.
Jeff and Pam pose for a picture.
Jeff sweeps Pam off of her feet.

Baby Shower

Some teachers at my school were nice enough to throw me a baby shower. Usually only about 5 teachers eat in the staff lounge at lunch so I was touched that so many people took the time to come and celebrate with me. (or they just wanted the cake)

Jeff came also. I thought that was sweet of him to stop by. We got lots of cool stuff. I can't believe how close we are getting to the big event. Wow!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

New TV stand thing

Jeff and I got a new TV cabinet from Target. What I really like is that we can now just close the doors and the TV goes away. I also like that the doors fold in the middle so we can put the stand in the corner and when the doors are open they can still lay flat against the stand. I am very happy with the purchase.

Jeff put the whole thing together himself last weekend because I wasn't feeling very well. He did a great job.

Open House

Last night was open house at my school. It went well but I was really tired at the end of the night.

After school yesterday I helped set up a booth run by our Campus Life kids and Jeff. After that I went home and changed into clothes that were a little nicer. I got back in time to eat dinner at the school and rub shoulders with some of the parents and a few students from the past.

The parents during the open house were really nice. It was encouraging to hear good things from them about how their child likes my class or they think I am doing a good job. I know they probably wouldn't say if they didn't think I was doing a good job, but they seemed really genuine so I felt good about that.

I put out some stuff on the desks for people to look at or try and more people than usual actually took the time to look at or try them. It is fun to see the kids and parents interesting in what I am teaching in class.

After that I had a meeting for parents who wanted more information about the sex ed. unit I am going to be starting next week. I was suprised that out of 150 students 4 parents actually came to the meeting. Last year I didn't have any come to the meeting and most years I only get one or two parents that care to hear about the sex ed. curriculum. I think I got more parents because I planned the meeting for right after the open house. The meeting went well and none of the parents got mad at me for teaching about sex ed. (Always a good thing)

When I got home I watched about 20 minutes of TV and couldn't keep my eyes open so I went to bed at 9:30 pm. Zzzzzzz.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Special Bread Delivery

We got bannana bread special delivery from Sarah. She sent us 4 loaves of bread. Jeff intercepted the bread before I could get to them but shared these with me.

Before I could take a picture Jeff had eaten two of them. Minutes after this picture was taken the other two were eaten by me. Great bread Sarah. Thanks!

Our crazy youth

We had our junior high girls over to our house for group last Thursday. They were a little crazy. It was one of the girl's birthday so we made a cake. Yum!!! That was before my bad trip to the doctor so I had a big piece of cake. : )

My backyard needed help

What a mess! My excuse has been that it is a little harder to bend over lately and pull the weeds.

Some of the girls in my youth group offered to help for a little cash.

My patio is looking much better.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Trip to the doctor

My trip to the doctor today was almost perfect. Here is how it went.

Blood pressure: Great
Urine check: Great
Temperature: Great
Weght gain: No comment

Let's just say that next month I am going to try really hard not to gain TWICE the recommended amount. I wasn't very happy with the doctor I saw today either. (she was not my usual doctor) She made it clear that my weight gain far exceeded what she felt was healthy and threw in a comment about how you can't get all of your calcium from eating icecream. (and no, I hadn't mentioned icecream)

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Driving me nuts!

I would really like to take just a few of my students and deal with them in a deserted parking lot where no one could hear them scream. Well... maybe it is not that bad, but they are driving me a little batty. I guess it is the end of the year jitters or something. I must confess I have them a little bit also. If I were counting down I would know that there are only 3 weeks left of actual school teaching. Hmmm, I guess I am counting down. : )

Hungry, Hungry, Tired Hippo

Did you ever play the game "Hungry, Hungry Hippo". It is where you try to get your hippo to eat more marbles than the opponent's hippos. I am hungry. I am hungry non stop. This hippo would be winning in a hungry, hungry hippo game. I am afraid to go to the doctor tomorrow and get weighed.

On top of that I am SOOO tired. So I am playing a game in real life called hungry, hungry tired hippo. I don't know who I am playing against, but I think I am winning.

Monday, May 15, 2006


Jeff and I kid-sat for friends of ours on Saturday night. It was fun. The kids were great.

Jeff's dream come true?

Jeff has always wanted a music studio. This is a photo of our office as it is today.

I think our "office" is beginning to closely resemble a music studio.

Jeff makes good food

Jeff makes good breakfast burritos and chicken soft tacos. It is weird but Jeff's food always seems to taste better than when I make the same thing. I don't no if it is just my imagination or if it really does. Maybe I am more critical when I make it myself and just grateful when Jeff makes it. Hmmm... anyway, thanks Jeff.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Jeff and the killer bee

I can poke fun at Jeff a little bit since he never reads my blog. Yes, "my blog". I have taken it over. About a month ago I even changed "our profile" to "my profile" since I knew he would never notice. : ) Since Jeff hasn't been to our blog in months I am sure that I am safe.

Anyway, last night I want to bed around 11:00 pm leaving Jeff awake to play with his new music equipment that has been arriving this weekend. He is very excited about all of his equipment. At just after 1:00 am Jeff comes into our room shining the hall light on me and waits. I of course wake up to see him looking at me.

Me: What's up?
Jeff: I need your help.

I immediately come to attention. This must be important to wake me up at 1:00 in the morning.

Me: What happened.
Jeff: There is a big bee in the room behind something and I need help to get rid of it.

A bee is messing with my husband at 1:00 in the morning. Just wait until I get my hands on this bee. I get up and Jeff shows me he has this long pole we have that has a poofy thing on the end of it (for corner spider webs) to kill the evil bee with. I walk over and open the door he has closed to trap the bee inside the room.

Jeff: What are you doing?
Me: Going in to kill the bee.
Jeff: Your not afraid?
Me: Of the bee? NO.

NO.... not at 1:00 in the morning. That bee is going to die fast so I can go back to bed and sleep soundly knowing my husband is safe.

(A little background is that we have carpenter bees living in our porch in the back. They are the big, black bummble bees and a company sprayed today to get rid of them. It must be an escaping bee from the poison.)

I throw on flip flops so I don't accidentally step on it and get to work. Jeff from the door that is still part way shut leans in to direct me to the bee's hide-away. It is behind one of his amps and some boxes he says. I start shaking them and moving stuff to see if I can see it or hear it. Hmmm... nothing. After a bit Jeff bravely enters with his pole and helps me shake the boxes where he heard it move. We don't hear or see anything. Jeff then points out the window where he thinks it got in and wait... is that the bee on the screen... no it is a very big thick spider. As I go to look away I see something else on the screen... is it ...... YES, it is the evil bee. But wait, it is on the OUTSIDE of screen. It is not in the room at all. I grab some Raid and Jeff sprays the bee through the screen until it falls to it's death. The best part? Wendy gets to go back to bed.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Back on line and updates

I am back on line after a week of not being able to get on the internet at home. Yeah! I am still having a few computer issues, but it is nice to have some stuff solved.

We have been testing at school so my students have been a little more crazy than usual. Besides that my week has been pretty boring.

Jeff went today and talked to a group of men about how the church needs to be the light of the world even though usually the church doesn't seem too "bright". The head guy asked him to come back to talk to their board so Jeff must have done a good job challenging/encouraging the men. Jeff is an excellent speaker. His sermons get better each time I hear them and he does a great job of getting his point across and keeping your interest at the same time.

Jeff is also starting to help out at the juvenile hall. Jeff had a few classes at Seminary with Peggy, who is a chaplain at the juvenile hall. Jeff went to a training last weekend and then helped out with a service/bible study this week. Jeff and I have gone once to help out with a Christmas service there, but Jeff wanted to be more involved so he will try to start going monthly. We'll see how it goes.

6 months down... 3 to go

Here is my picture at the end of six months. Only three to go. Wow. I think I am starting to get a little bit of "cold feet" thinking about how much work and responsibility being a parent is going to be. I just know though that when he is here all the sleepless nights, dirty diapers, and other work/responsiblies to come will be so worth it.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I have not been blogging for a while or keeping up on anyone else's blog because my lap top at home has been having problems. Yes, my new lap top I got about 7 months ago. I had too much stuff on it so I had to put some of it onto my external harddrive. While in the process of putting things on my hard drive and then trashing them on my lap top I threw away something really important that I should not have. After spending some time with apple care and not fixing the problem they suggested that I reinstall my whole system. Yipee! Now her words of advice were, "just as a precaution you should save anything important because there is always the possiblility of it being erased." I asked how possible it was. She replied it was not very likely to happen. I saved the stuff I thought I couldn't live without onto my external hard drive and reinstalled OS X. Yes, you guessed it, my lap top harddrive was completely erased and replaced by the new, blank system. Had I thought a little harder, there were a few things I forgot I had on the computer that I would have saved if I was told it was more of a chance that I would lose it all. Oh well, such is life. Thankfully most of the pictures and video that I tried to save on the external hard drive but for some reason didn't transfer over, Jeff has on his computer. As for the sub plans I had started for next year, I can always rewrite them. Maybe they will even be better the second time around. Positive thinking. : )

Well, one of the things that got wiped off my laptop is the wireless internet system we have at home. I need to reinstall the disk, but I can not find the disk. "Sigh". What a pain in the rear this has been. It has been even more painful the last few days because I can't get on line at home and the school system has been wacked out and down for a few days as well.

So that is my excuse and I am sticking to it. The system at school came up again today so I am at school blogging. I usually write from home so when I get the wireless at home working I will add more. Until someday in the future. Adios.