I can poke fun at Jeff a little bit since he never reads my blog. Yes, "my blog". I have taken it over. About a month ago I even changed "our profile" to "my profile" since I knew he would never notice. : ) Since Jeff hasn't been to our blog in months I am sure that I am safe.
Anyway, last night I want to bed around 11:00 pm leaving Jeff awake to play with his new music equipment that has been arriving this weekend. He is very excited about all of his equipment. At just after 1:00 am Jeff comes into our room shining the hall light on me and waits. I of course wake up to see him looking at me.
Me: What's up?
Jeff: I need your help.
I immediately come to attention. This must be important to wake me up at 1:00 in the morning.
Me: What happened.
Jeff: There is a big bee in the room behind something and I need help to get rid of it.
A bee is messing with my husband at 1:00 in the morning. Just wait until I get my hands on this bee. I get up and Jeff shows me he has this long pole we have that has a poofy thing on the end of it (for corner spider webs) to kill the evil bee with. I walk over and open the door he has closed to trap the bee inside the room.
Jeff: What are you doing?
Me: Going in to kill the bee.
Jeff: Your not afraid?
Me: Of the bee? NO.
NO.... not at 1:00 in the morning. That bee is going to die fast so I can go back to bed and sleep soundly knowing my husband is safe.
(A little background is that we have carpenter bees living in our porch in the back. They are the big, black bummble bees and a company sprayed today to get rid of them. It must be an escaping bee from the poison.)
I throw on flip flops so I don't accidentally step on it and get to work. Jeff from the door that is still part way shut leans in to direct me to the bee's hide-away. It is behind one of his amps and some boxes he says. I start shaking them and moving stuff to see if I can see it or hear it. Hmmm... nothing. After a bit Jeff bravely enters with his pole and helps me shake the boxes where he heard it move. We don't hear or see anything. Jeff then points out the window where he thinks it got in and wait... is that the bee on the screen... no it is a very big thick spider. As I go to look away I see something else on the screen... is it ...... YES, it is the evil bee. But wait, it is on the OUTSIDE of screen. It is not in the room at all. I grab some Raid and Jeff sprays the bee through the screen until it falls to it's death. The best part? Wendy gets to go back to bed.