New TV stand thing

Jeff and I got a new TV cabinet from Target. What I really like is that we can now just close the doors and the TV goes away. I also like that the doors fold in the middle so we can put the stand in the corner and when the doors are open they can still lay flat against the stand. I am very happy with the purchase.
Jeff put the whole thing together himself last weekend because I wasn't feeling very well. He did a great job.
I am impressed! And it looks like it will be safe from little hands.
oh yeah, good point chris. we learned the hard way to put the dvd player and stuff up high. i really liked to have doors too. makes it seem so much more peaceful somehow.
Yes, that is another thing Jeff and I thought about. There are these cool lock things you can put on handles like the ones that are on the front of the TV stand that you can undo but kids can't. I am going to purchase some for when the kiddo is a little older.
Wow, and to think I'll be able to see it live tonight. Yeah! I can't wait to get there.
Very nice.
Jon bought a nifty transmitter thingie so that we could put all of our electronics in the closet, and just have this tiny black receiver out on our old entertainment center. It's pretty handy, and even works with his wireless Xbox controller.
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