Happy Birthday Micah!
Today was Micah's birthday so we went to the Children's discovery museum. The first picture is getting up and getting ready to go. This is Micah's morning face.

Christy and her daughter Madeline joined us. Madeline is 4 months older than Micah. We are friends from church so Micah sees Madeline at church.

Madeline and Micah ended up sitting with each other on the dragon. Micah was playing it cool and then went in for the kiss but got her arm instead. Oh well, maybe next time.

The two ended up together again and shared a meal. It is cute to see them at this stage parallell play but not really play together.

The last picture I wanted to show what Micah has been doing sometimes the last few days. I think he is looking through his legs at the world upside down. I think it is hilarious.

Christy and her daughter Madeline joined us. Madeline is 4 months older than Micah. We are friends from church so Micah sees Madeline at church.

Madeline and Micah ended up sitting with each other on the dragon. Micah was playing it cool and then went in for the kiss but got her arm instead. Oh well, maybe next time.

The two ended up together again and shared a meal. It is cute to see them at this stage parallell play but not really play together.

The last picture I wanted to show what Micah has been doing sometimes the last few days. I think he is looking through his legs at the world upside down. I think it is hilarious.