Wednesday, June 27, 2007
So just in case I don't have a chance to post, I will be in Washington DC and Virginia from June 29th to July 14th. I just haven't had anything great going on lately so I haven't posted in a while but I am sure that I will have some awesome pics from vacation.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Another trip to LA
My first stop was to see Mom and Jim. I had dinner with Mom and Jim that night and the next morning Pam, Mom, Micah and I went out for breakfast. Jim went to go work on rebuilding a fire engine. Mom posted about the engine a couple weeks ago. Somehow Jim escaped my picture taking, but I will be sure to get him next time. Mom, Pam and I relaxed in the jacuzzi for a few hours that day. It felt so good.

My next stop was with Pam, Jake and Alex. Jake had his company picnic the next day so I went to that with them. It was a lot of fun. They had a ton of squirt guns and a huge war broke out between everyone. Not even Micah was safe from squirters. Jake and Micah went with the Hawaiian theme of the party.

That same day John and Vanessa who are part of Susan, my dad's wife's family had a house warming party. We get along well with them so we were invited to join them. There was great food, water balloons and a good time for all.

Pam and Melissa look like they are sharing an inside joke.
Caiden is as cute as ever.
The cousins had to get there picture taken together. Caiden is always a good sport, even when Micah is crying.
Micah had a good time on this scooter.
For Father's Day we went over to my Dad's house. It was sad not having Jeff there for his first father's day, but we ended up celebrating when we got back. Here are two quick pictures from that day. Jake seemed to really like hanging out with Micah. Maybe I will be getting more cousins for Micah on that side of the family. : )

My next stop was with Pam, Jake and Alex. Jake had his company picnic the next day so I went to that with them. It was a lot of fun. They had a ton of squirt guns and a huge war broke out between everyone. Not even Micah was safe from squirters. Jake and Micah went with the Hawaiian theme of the party.

That same day John and Vanessa who are part of Susan, my dad's wife's family had a house warming party. We get along well with them so we were invited to join them. There was great food, water balloons and a good time for all.

For Father's Day we went over to my Dad's house. It was sad not having Jeff there for his first father's day, but we ended up celebrating when we got back. Here are two quick pictures from that day. Jake seemed to really like hanging out with Micah. Maybe I will be getting more cousins for Micah on that side of the family. : )

Dinner with the girls
The past few years Jeff and I have been doing a bible study consistently every week with about 5 middle school girls. They are now graduating and all off to different high schools. We took them out to eat as a farewell dinner. Two girls couldn't make it, but here are the three we went out with. They are a sweet group and we will miss them.

Monday, June 11, 2007
Our Week
Well here are some pictures from the week. On Thursday I went over to my friend Michelle's house to hang out with her and her two kids Madeline (4 years) and James (6 months). I hung out all day and then even stayed for dinner because Jeff was working. I really like having her as a friend. She is really easy to talk to and nice to get advice from since she already has one child who is older. James and Micah will soon be able to play with each other also. Madeline is already good at playing with James and Micah. She is a great entertainer.

On Saturday Jeff, Micah and I went to Los Gatos to have lunch and walk around downtown. We stopped when we were about done to play at the park. There was a fountain there that Micah wanted to explore although he didn't really like the idea of getting wet.

Besides that there is not too much going on. We have a kitten that a mom of a student at my school gave to me bring to the humane society, (dumb kid who didn't ask and an allergic mom). I brought it down and they said they would kill it and not even try to adopt it out because it is not big enough. It is really nice and REALLY cute so I decided to keep it for another week or two till it is big enough to give to them or until I can get someone to take it. It is fun to have a kitten in the house.
Oh, one more thing. Micah is really not into sharing at all which I think is somewhat typical at his age. It is funny because even if the kitten trys to play with something Micah goes over sometimes and takes it from the kitten. Any advice on how to get Micah to share even at this early of an age?

On Saturday Jeff, Micah and I went to Los Gatos to have lunch and walk around downtown. We stopped when we were about done to play at the park. There was a fountain there that Micah wanted to explore although he didn't really like the idea of getting wet.

Besides that there is not too much going on. We have a kitten that a mom of a student at my school gave to me bring to the humane society, (dumb kid who didn't ask and an allergic mom). I brought it down and they said they would kill it and not even try to adopt it out because it is not big enough. It is really nice and REALLY cute so I decided to keep it for another week or two till it is big enough to give to them or until I can get someone to take it. It is fun to have a kitten in the house.
Oh, one more thing. Micah is really not into sharing at all which I think is somewhat typical at his age. It is funny because even if the kitten trys to play with something Micah goes over sometimes and takes it from the kitten. Any advice on how to get Micah to share even at this early of an age?
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Micah is crawling!
Well, Micah has decided it is time to crawl. About a week ago Micah struggled forward crawling about two feet to my utter amazement. I called Jeff about two seconds later to tell him about Micah's amazing abilities. He has steadily increased his crawling abilities this week and has now traveled about 6 feet crawling. He is still very lazy and doesn't want to crawl if he can cry and get me to pick him up, but he is getting better about making the effort.
And the eyes have it
When people first see Micah the most common thing that they say is what pretty eyes he has or what long eyelashes he has. I decided to post a few pictures of these stellar eyes close up. I think this may be the reason why so many people ask me if he is a girl even when he is dressed very boy like. Maybe they just don't want to assume.

Monday, June 04, 2007
Micah Walking
Micah is really starting to get around. It is fun to see him walking about with his arms out for balance. He loves to walk.
Micah feeding me
Well, you all are probably starting to think that Micah never gets out of his high chair based on the last several posts. I was wondering why I have all of these posts and video of Micah in his high chair when I realized that Micah is always wanting to walk holding my hand if he is out of his high chair and it is hard to take pictures or video when you are following around a 10 month old and holding his hand. So here is another one of Micah in his high chair. This time he is feeding me, his latest favorite activity besides walking. I will make sure Micah is out of his high chair in the next few posts. : )
Friday, June 01, 2007
Micah's Spot
I forgot to mention another of Micah's funny habits until he was doing it today. He likes to put some of his food into a little hole in his high chair. Maybe he is storing it for later. Part squirrel perhaps? Also, you might see the black lanyard in the video. I bought some of these because they have a clip on the end and are great for the high chair, stoller, shopping cart or whatever else to keep stuff that is thrown over board from hitting bottom. It works pretty well.