This week we went to Oregon to visit "Homeofthebudds". We had a great time hanging out and having fun.

The first picture shows the kid magnet, Jeff. He and the kiddos had lots of fun together.

One of our passtimes was playing soccer in the family room. Nice action shot Jeff!

David brings home pizza after work. Doesn't he look sharp? I also had to include a prego shot of Sarah. : )

Hi Micah.

Ellen did a good job "holding" Micah.

Jeff makes a great tunnel.
We also went to OMSI while we were there. I am SOOOOOO jealous. That museum was awesome and it cost the same for a membership there as I paid for my membership to the children's museum here in San Jose. The Portland one is about 10 times better. Did I mention I was JEALOUS!

This is part of the water area.

The sand spot. Is Micah eating sand?

These last two are where you can put together a boat and sail and see how the wind pushes your boat in the water. Very cool.

Micah makes sure the mast is strong enough to withstand even teeth. : )