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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Big Bear
We had a good time visiting Mom and Jim in Big Bear. I forgot to add that the hat Micah is wearing in the first three pictures Pam made for him. It looks cute on him. Micah's shirt Mom and Jim got for him on their trip. They took a cruise down the coast, through the Panama Cannal and then ended at Disney World. The shirt has all of the faces of the Disney characters on the front and their bottoms on the back. It also looked cute on him.
My grandpa from my Dad's side was in San Jose this weekend. His new wife of three years has a son who lives in San Jose so she and my grandpa were going to stop by for a visit. His wife was sick so she could not make it but my grandpa was still able to come by. It was Micah's first visit with a "great" grandparent.
We have started up our junior high ministry again. We took a break for the summer but are meeting again. One of our girls had her birthday this weekend so we celebrated this week with her. Micah is our unofficial mascot for the group. The girls love to hold him. We have fun when we meet.
Frustrating- So last night I decided to give Micah a bottle at night. It was dark so when I gave it to him I didn't notice that I didn't screw the top on correctly. I ended up pooring most of the bottle on Micah and myself in the middle of the night. We both ended up having to change our pajamas. So much for a quick feeding at night.
Disgusting- Yesterday I threw some left over chicken away in the trash that Jeff and I did not eat. It has been warm this week and we have had lots of flies. Can you guess where this is going? When I got up this morning to eat breakfast there were magots on the ground crawling around. I can not stand magots. They are so gross. Earth worms, meal worms don't bug me but magots.... YUCK. They were crawling toward the sliding glass door so they were in the kitchen and the den and there had to be at least 50 of them. Good thing we don't have a baby that we lay on the floor in the den. Oh yeah, we do. I vacuumed them up and I am keeping a sharp eye out for any that escaped the vacuum suction. Gross.
The last month our internet has been REALLY slow. So slow it has not been fun to be on the internet at all. I kept wanting to call Comcast but I thought it might be our wireless connection and didn't want Comcast to come out if it wasn't their fault. Last week the DVR machine we have started to act up a lot as well. It was freezing about 2 times a day. I felt like now I had a reason for them to come out for sure so I called for them to fix both. As it turns out they had to replace the DVR machine and the modem for our internet connection. It is now back to being very fast. Yeah!
I have been reading a couple books for advice about babies, sleep and stuff like that, and it is amazing how different the advice can be. One book can say the exact opposite of another book I just read. I am starting to realize that I should just take what I want from each source and scrap the rest. Each baby is so unique anyway that what works for one may not work for another.
Micah had his two month check up today. The doctor said that he looked great. Yeah! At his 2 week check up he was in the 25th percentile for height and weight. At two months he is in the 75th percentile for height and the 95th percentile for weight. Following in his fathers footsteps perhaps??? I meant the height, I would never call Jeff fat. : )
As for myself, the last two stubborn pounds are gone and I am back to my prepregnancy weight. Yeah! Of course my clothes don't fit quite the same way, but after being stretched so much I am just glad that my pants fit at all.
My friend Rachael invited me to a night of playing Bunco on Friday for a fundraiser. If you have never played Bunco you should know that it is 100% luck and 0% skill, but it is still fun. I took Micah with me because he has been fussy at night so I didn't want to leave him with a sitter, but he was good so I got to play Bunco.
This is Rachael and Tanya, two of my friends there on Friday.