We had a last minute trip up to see David and Sarah and the kiddos. It was a lot of fun. Most of these pictures are from Sarah because I am so bad about taking out my camera. Thanks Sarah.

The guys had a great time boxing each other on the WII.

We did a lot of just hanging out.

We also did some science experiments with dry ice. Very fun. Here Ellen is doing a fantastic job of making her screwdriver scream.

We are about to test what happens when we put dry ice into warm water.

I think this was the kids favorite part. Dry ice, warm water and soap. A seemingly never ending supply of bubbles filled with carbon dioxide to play with. Probably my favorite part also.

I love Brennan's expression in this one.

We also had to make a trip to OMSI. I love OMSI. I wish we had something even close to as wonderful in San Jose.

Here we designed cups to fly from a wind current below. I think Isaiah's flew the best. Way better than mine.

The real highlight of the week was the Blazer's game we went to. I had never been to a professional basketball game before and now I have some high expectations. Hard to beat free parking in a private parking garage, then up to a private club/suite for dinner at a table reserved just for us and onto our 8th row awesome seats. Oh and don't forget dessert in the private club/suite at half time. Sarah and I had our sweet tooth cravings satisfied and then headed back to our fabulous seats to finish the game. It was a good game although the Blazers lost.

Close enough?

David made a great poster. He even got a nod from one of the players.

Thanks for having us up. We had a great time.