Monday, September 01, 2008

Micah naps

So Micah has always napped wonderfully until last week. One day I took care of Dean, Pam's baby, for the afternoon and Micah absolutely refused to take a nap. I was a bit shocked but just figured he was jealous of Dean and didn't put much importance to it. Well, for the next 4 days Micah has suddenly decided he will fight to the death not to have to take a nap. I know he is tired but it is getting ridiculous to try to fight over this issue. I would actually prefer no nap so we could do more during the day but I think that Micah still does better with a nap. Wish me luck for this week trying to get him back on schedule, otherwise we will have to resort to a plan B.


Blogger Sarah said...

oooh the trying to get rid of naps time. yuck. i hate that time. is he still going to bed fairly early in the afternoon? like after lunch? if so you might try moving nap time back a few hours - like 2 or so. that helped prolong ellen's naps quite a bit.

also there was a time when she fought it but isaiah was napping and i was pretty sure she needed to be asleep for this time. so i had her 'rest' instead. gave her lots of books and told her she needed to stay in bed and stay quiet and rest (but NOT sleep. i told her she couldn't sleep. she thought that was great) she did that for a couple weeks maybe and then started falling asleep again.

10:10 PM  
Blogger Chris Steele said...

Oh, man...I don't know what I'd do without nap time. I mean, sometimes it's inconvenient, like if we want to go out to lunch after church, but it's so wonderful to get things done while she's asleep! Good luck! I'm trying to get Ellen to sleep through the night--Emily was so much easier!

6:28 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Yes, we nap around 2. I think he suddenly realized I couldn't make him fall asleep and he is figuring out this whole control/independence thing. We'll see.

7:32 AM  
Blogger Hart's Haven said...

He is only 2..... He definitely needs nap time almost as much as you do. The idea of rest time is a good one that is what I did with you. He should know that he needs to have a quite time and must stay on his bed. He will fall asleep on the days that he is really tired and it will give you a break. Good luck
If he doesn't sleep he will need to go to bed earlier so that he will get enough rest.

8:27 PM  

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