The latest haps
Michelle e-mailed some pictures to me of recent events so I thought I would share. The first is Madeline and Micah at Happy Hallow.

This is Micah and James at the Japanese Gardens. We are on our way to Happy Hallow.

This is from our swim lessons. Michelle with James and me with Micah.

Micah and Madeline at Jeff's birthday party.

Micah being silly.

Our latest event besides Micah's birthday which will soon be blogged is our friends Laura and Freddy's wedding. I work with Laura and we went to Costa Rica together to learn spanish a few years ago. Jeff performed the ceremony and he did a great job.

The happy couple as they exit.

Friends from school. First is Jenni and Jim. I also went with Jenni to Costa Rica. She doesn't work with us any longer but we still keep in touch. On the other side is Kim and Brian. I also work with Kim and we are pretty close. All of these gals are cool.

Ashley Budd watched Micah for us so we did not have to take him to the wedding and then she dropped him off at Michelle's house half way through. This is a picture of Micah and Madeline asleep. Michelle said that she read them books and played sleepy music for them. As they fell asleep Madeline would give Micah a kiss and then he would rub her arm and such until they fell asleep. How cute.

This is Micah and James at the Japanese Gardens. We are on our way to Happy Hallow.

This is from our swim lessons. Michelle with James and me with Micah.

Micah and Madeline at Jeff's birthday party.

Micah being silly.
Our latest event besides Micah's birthday which will soon be blogged is our friends Laura and Freddy's wedding. I work with Laura and we went to Costa Rica together to learn spanish a few years ago. Jeff performed the ceremony and he did a great job.
The happy couple as they exit.
Friends from school. First is Jenni and Jim. I also went with Jenni to Costa Rica. She doesn't work with us any longer but we still keep in touch. On the other side is Kim and Brian. I also work with Kim and we are pretty close. All of these gals are cool.
Ashley Budd watched Micah for us so we did not have to take him to the wedding and then she dropped him off at Michelle's house half way through. This is a picture of Micah and Madeline asleep. Michelle said that she read them books and played sleepy music for them. As they fell asleep Madeline would give Micah a kiss and then he would rub her arm and such until they fell asleep. How cute.

All the pictures are very cute. I especially like the one with Micah sound asleep next to Madeline. They are lucky to be such good friends.
how are the swim lessons going? i keep thinking i want to do that with the kids and then don't do it.
and the sleeping picture/story is very cute
The swim lessons were too cold and so I only did it two weeks which was one session. It was ok but at Micah's age it was just to get them used to the water.
that's cool that you are doing swim lessons. I don't remember how I learned to swim (I know I took swim lessons), so I am not sure what to actually teach swimming. What did you practice/learn?
I love weddings. That's cool that Jeff got to officiate.
CRAP!!! I meant to call you today to wish Micah a happy birthday. Brain power!! I am seriously lacking it. Well, I technically didn't forget. It's before midnight :P Happy Birthday Micah :)
Cute pictures. I wish I could see you guys more.
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