Backpack give away
About 2 weeks ago we helped out with a backpack give away. It was cool. This community center partnered with City Team Ministries and Reliance Church (our new church) to help families get ready for school. They invited needy families to a dinner and afterwards we gave out back packs and boxes of food. Jeff and our friend Noe spoke on the message of hope. Noe's story was really cool to hear. Noe had gotten into some really bad stuff, gang stuff and drugs, and finally got kicked out of school in 9th grade. He wasn't able to return to school for almost 2 years. During that time he got involved at this community center, the Gardener Center where he began to see how his life could change and he could get back control. He was also led to faith by one of the members of the center. He went back to school and somehow got his diploma. While finishing high school he ran track and one day a coach at a junior college saw him running. He said to Noe that he wanted him on his team and helped get Noe financial aid to go to college. Noe graduated with his AA and went on to San Jose State University with his Bachelors in English Literature. When he finished he realized after a while that he missed school and went on to San Luis Obispo and got his Master in English Literatre. He got back this summer. It was such a cool story for him to tell to this group of struggling families who come from the same place he did. We gave out backpacks with the hope that maybe we could help these families and kids find hope in Christ and stay in school another year. I hope for some that Noe's story gave them hope to go further than maybe they ever thought possible.

That is really awesome, and the story noe told is amazing how someone who had fallen so badly can find the strength to put himself back on track again.
I didn't realize that Noe was going to be there. What an awesome testimony for him to give. I can't believe that he's going to be a professor of English literature one day...what a great story.
That is inspirational...and to have someone be able to turn their life around so completely. That tells so many stories on many levels. The power of Christ to change a life once you accept him, the power of the community center, and the power of one person (the coach who saw him). It shows that one person CAN make the difference...and what a difference.
The backpack idea is a great idea :)
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