The Love of Micah's Life
Micah is in love. Now you might think that the love of Micah's life is his mom or dad, the people who love him like crazy. The ones that hold him, rock him, feed him, change his poopy diaper. The ones that would do almost anything for him.... NO. What got the first smile? What got the first coo? What will brighten Micah's disposition in almost any situation?.... His mobile! Jeff and I have started joking that his first word will not be "mama" or "dada".... it will be "moba".

ahhh so cute. I love his shirt! that's pretty funny he's in love with his mobile.
I was a witness. It's totally true. He absolutely loves his mobile. Now if you could get it to run longer than a minute before winding it again.
I also love that outfit--so cute! Maybe I've been seeing too much pink... My daughter is also in love with her mobile, which is why we sprung for the one that lasts 10 minutes. If only I'd known when I was registering!
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