Wednesday, March 14, 2007


It has been absolutely gorgeous weather here in San Jose. Micah and I went yesterday to Happy Hallow Zoo and Park again yesterday with two of my friends, Christy and her baby Maddy (13 months), and Michelle and her kids Madeline (4 years) and James (3months). We had fun although I didn't get any pictures. I have been slacking off on the picture taking, but I guess that since blogger is being weird for me I couldn't have posted them any way.

When we got home from the zoo Micah went swimming in his bath tub outside. It felt quite adventurous to be playing in the tub water outside on the patio with the humming birds eating from the feeder and the cat slinking about and the bees buzzing overhead. Micah was even a little clingy when I set him in the water which he never is regularly indoors, but he got used to it and liked swimming/bathing outdoors after a bit.

I am really getting to know Micah's personallity more as he is able to express himself better. I know that he is a cautious baby and wants to check things out before he dives right in. He likes people to be around him and doesn't like when people walk away from him. He is sensive and if you don't give him what he wants or take something away that he wants to keep he puts his chin down and pouts out is lower lip and just looks so hurt that you would do something like that. He almost has me wrapped around his little finger, but I am trying to be strong. I am realizing that pouty look also indicates that his telling you "NO". So if he is done eating or if you offer him anything he doesn't like he will do the same look. I will try to get a picture.

Micah has also picked up a silly habit from Jeff. Jeff looks at Micah and shakes his head back and forth so that his hair flys around. Micah will sometimes shake his head back and forth just to be silly.

Micah also LOVES mirrors. Basically if he can see himself in a mirror he is happy. Such a vain child.


Blogger Chris Steele said...

I will have to try Emily in water outside--I wonder if she'll react differently, too. I'm a bit jealous of Micah's pouting versus Emily's yelling. It is so neat to start to see their personalities!

5:34 AM  
Blogger Pam said...

That's cute. I like to hear about Micah's personality changes. It's been too long since I've seen him.

11:14 AM  

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