5 Months

Here I am at 5 months. I am still feeling pretty good, but I am tired a lot. Most days I just want to come home and take a nap; so that is what I do most days.
My appetite slowed down this week. Thanks goodness. Last month I gained 5 pounds and so far the total is up to 12 pounds. I was beginning to worry. At that rate I would outweigh Jeff by the time the baby was born.
Jeff felt the baby move for the first time this week. That was cool. It is neat to be able to share the experience with him.
Hmmm...I'm noticing my appetite is slowing down, too. Although from what I hear, between 24-28 weeks is another huge growth spurt--great. I am noticing that I'm starting to feel big pregnant rather than just cute pregnant. But Jon & friends insist that that is just my opinion/feeling.
In your first posted picture you looked quite athletic in your running shoes. In your second picture, the running shoes were gone and you were wearing socks. In this picture you're wearing slippers. You're getting more and more comfortable, hmmmm? Next time maybe sitting down? The time after that maybe Jeff massaging your feet?
Did I forget to mention that in the first photo the house is clean with no clothing around, in the second you have a few clothes on the couch, and in the last you've got clothes everywhere. I guess you weren't kidding about sleeping a lot!
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