Clothing arrivals

I have discovered that it is fun to order clothes on line. I look forward to the clothes arrival. I got my clothes last week and liked them all. I posted a picture of the swimsuit I ordered on line for the summer. I tried it on and Jeff said it was hideous. I think his words when describing it were something like, "An awful throwback from the 70's". His dad, Kevin, was at our house that day as well and he seemed to agree with Jeff although he said it in much nicer words. I decided to order the black swimsuit instead and return this one, but before I did that I wanted to take an online pole. It is terrible? I thought it was kind of cute.
hmmmm. i'm not really sure. if i'd have seen it on you i probably would have thought oh that's a cute suit. but if i saw it in the store i probably would have thought hmmm 70's are coming back.
It's 70's I'm afraid. But that isn't always a bad thing. Depending on what you looked like it in the suit!
I think's it VERY cute!
It is definitely back in style.
It is back in style, and it does seem so much better than just plain black. And I can kind of agree with Sarah that it's not my taste. But hey, you're pregnant--you can get away with anything!
I think it's totally cute! Too bad you're returning it. It looks like your type of colors. I have a swim suit with similar colors in it.
I like it! I think it is cute too. Yay for 70's throwbacks!
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