Haircut resolution and Micah
The next morning Jeff and I woke up and decided to finish buzzing Micah's hair. I am not a huge fan of the look, but it is definitely growing on me and may show up again if it saves me $15-$20 at the barbers.

As for Micah, he is growing up way to fast. He is really a little boy now. Some of his favorite things to do right now are steal noses or other parts of faces from other people or from himself. He also likes to steal my purse and pull all of the cards out of it. I don't think that will be something that continues for long. He has been wanting to spin and make himself dizzy. As it gets warmer he is asking to get misted with water. He still loves to help me with whatever I am doing around the house whether it is cooking or cleaning or anything. He loves to pray. Sometimes he asks to pray 3 or 4 times at the dinner table. Should we put a limit on prayer? He has been "talking" more recently and Micah put his first two words together this week, "All done". Micah is in love with the word "no". Almost everything is "NO" but usually you can talk him into stuff. He is a bit stingy right now on hugs, kisses and high fives but as soon as he sees others doing these things he wants in on the action.

As for Micah, he is growing up way to fast. He is really a little boy now. Some of his favorite things to do right now are steal noses or other parts of faces from other people or from himself. He also likes to steal my purse and pull all of the cards out of it. I don't think that will be something that continues for long. He has been wanting to spin and make himself dizzy. As it gets warmer he is asking to get misted with water. He still loves to help me with whatever I am doing around the house whether it is cooking or cleaning or anything. He loves to pray. Sometimes he asks to pray 3 or 4 times at the dinner table. Should we put a limit on prayer? He has been "talking" more recently and Micah put his first two words together this week, "All done". Micah is in love with the word "no". Almost everything is "NO" but usually you can talk him into stuff. He is a bit stingy right now on hugs, kisses and high fives but as soon as he sees others doing these things he wants in on the action.
Great summary. I can't believe I'll probably be saying the same things about baby Hester in the next year or two. Life's gonna be changing.
Good job on the buzz! It looks good.
I like his hair. He looks good.
I can't wait to hear him talking more :) I love it when kids are figuring out how to string sentences and words together.
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