Don't try this at home
These first two pictures I took today and will use as a reference for the last picture. Micah thinks it is cool to take my plastic hair band and pretend that it is sunglasses. Silly boy. But the real thing I want you to notice is his hair. I haven't really liked his hair lately and so today I tried to put some gel in it to give it some style. It just looked messy and too long. I feel like I JUST got his hair cut and I really didn't want to spend any more money on hair cuts so I thought, "how hard could it be to cut his hair". I am sure we all know where this is going. But it got better... I thought "it would even be easier if I used the buzzer we have with the attachment to make all of the hair the same length". Well, the picture on the bottom makes his hair look better than it actually does. After the first couple of swipes with buzzer I will admit I began to panic just a bit. It was SHORT. It looks shorter in real life. I stopped with the buzzer and tried scissors to save it and I really just ended up his hair all different lengths all over. It really does look worse in real life. Sooo.... I think that tomorrow morning we may be taking Micah to get another hair cut to try to salvage the mess I made of his hair. Hmmm... sounds like a story I remember of my own parents cutting our hair. : ) At least he is only one year old so he doesn't care and yes, it will grow back.

go for it! buzz it all! it grows back super quick. :)
actually the first time we buzzed zai it took me a good day to get used to it. that first night i kept thinking he looked like a little cancer patient. i was pretty sad about it, but the next day i loved it. its my favorite hair style for him i think.
Part of me is glad to have a girl and not worry about haircuts (yet), but the other part of me is tired of waiting for Emily's LONG bangs to grow out--I hate them hanging in her face. I'm pretty sure I'll try to give my kids haircuts, too (at least once).
ha, ha - great story, I was laughing out loud. Ya, I'm not sure how well I like the new hair cut, but it might be because I'm not used to it. :)
Well all I can say is that it looks better than when you and Pam cut each others hair.
Sorry I have been out of town and haven't blogged for awhile. Great pictures of the little guy playing and enjoying his ice cream. See you soon.
haircutting is harder than it looks. I tried to buzz Dave's hair one day, a few years ago to save money and he ended up having to finish it himself.
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