Monday, August 27, 2007

Just about there

Well, I spent the whole day in my classroom today trying to get organized and I am just about there. (My friend Michelle watched Micah) My countertops are temporary, my sinks are missing, the cabinet people will be in to finish the detail stuff this week and district people have yet to patch any of the contruction left over spots. But on the bright side I only had one handle fall off of my new doors to my cabinets on the first day I used them. And I am one of the lucky ones since I guess the art people are saying that the district ran out of money to finish their classrooms. Tony, the art teacher asked me if I liked living in IKEA. Translation I think meant looks new but cheap quality.


Blogger Pam said...

Wow, that's too bad. Sorry you're having a bad time with your classroom. :(

10:10 PM  
Blogger Hart's Haven said...

That is so bad that the cabinets are cheap...... Sometimes I don't think that the district offices have a clue......

11:15 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

A handle already broke off of the new cabinets? Hmm...just wait until the kids get a hold of them.

11:57 PM  

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