DC pics part 2
The last thing we did in DC was the "National Zoo". Micah loves animals so he had a great time seeing the animals. I think his favorite part though may have been the mist maker in the last picture. He wasn't sure at first, but after he got used to it he had a great time playing in it. We had to pull him away so we could go back to the hotel.

Micah is growing up so fast, I can't believe he will be 1 at the end of this month. Micah loves animals as I mentioned earlier and he loves music. If he really likes the music he will dance a little by moving up and down. He is a little timid about most stuff at first but when he gets into something watch out. Micah is social and loves to look at people. Same thing here, he may be shy at first but once he warms up to someone he is good. If you really get on his good side he might even give you a forehead to forehead bump. That is Micah speak for "you're a pretty cool person". Micah gives great smiles. He likes sweets. (Must take after his mom on this one) He is walking well and he wants to walk,walk,walk. He loves to ride on shoulders or ride on your back like you are a horse. Oh and did I mention he loves stairs. He wants to go up and down and up and down. Micah loves to play hide and seek. Micah points at stuff by raising his hand, palm up, at the object. There is a picture of Micah on Jeff's shoulders in the next post of him doing this. Some of his favorite things to "point" at are fans. Very entertaining. My mom said it looks like he is saying "behold... the fan". Micah is easily entertained and most of the time if he is not tired has a great disposition. The "Itsy Bitsy Spider" is his favorite song right now.
I will post more from the rest of our trip outside of DC when I return.

Micah is growing up so fast, I can't believe he will be 1 at the end of this month. Micah loves animals as I mentioned earlier and he loves music. If he really likes the music he will dance a little by moving up and down. He is a little timid about most stuff at first but when he gets into something watch out. Micah is social and loves to look at people. Same thing here, he may be shy at first but once he warms up to someone he is good. If you really get on his good side he might even give you a forehead to forehead bump. That is Micah speak for "you're a pretty cool person". Micah gives great smiles. He likes sweets. (Must take after his mom on this one) He is walking well and he wants to walk,walk,walk. He loves to ride on shoulders or ride on your back like you are a horse. Oh and did I mention he loves stairs. He wants to go up and down and up and down. Micah loves to play hide and seek. Micah points at stuff by raising his hand, palm up, at the object. There is a picture of Micah on Jeff's shoulders in the next post of him doing this. Some of his favorite things to "point" at are fans. Very entertaining. My mom said it looks like he is saying "behold... the fan". Micah is easily entertained and most of the time if he is not tired has a great disposition. The "Itsy Bitsy Spider" is his favorite song right now.
I will post more from the rest of our trip outside of DC when I return.
That zoo looks great. Micah is getting so big!
Looks like great fun.
there's so much to see and take in in dc/virginia. waht a great trip. one of these days we'll make it out there. looks like fun.
awwwwww i love the water picture!!!! so cute!!! looks liek you guys are having tons of fun
So much fun and such a good time to share together. Micah is growing up fast! And I agree he is a very, very, good little boy.
Great zoo pictures and I love that your sharing a bit about Micah and what he's doing. I can't wait to see you guys again in a couple of weeks.
It looks like you guys had a great time, and I agree I like the misty picture...so cute. I can't wait to see you guys on the cruise. :)
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