Football Game
Last week was the staff football game. I usually play in it but this year I didn't because I got kind of hurt last year and also running hasn't been very comfortable since I have been breast feeding. It was also the birthday of DJ, one of the students from our club on campus. Here are some pictures from the game.

Cool pictures.
How were you hurt last year? I can't remember.
I sprained my thumb and I bruised my leg so I couldn't touch it for like 2 months. I hurt something else but I can't remember the last thing. It wasn't like I got hurt really bad, just enough to make it not fun and made me think twice about playing this year.
you played when you were pregnant last year? i could have sworn my ob said no football.
Wow, I wish our school had a faculty football game. We just have a basketball game, but it's waaaay too serious for me. When my student ask if I'll play, I remind them that I'm short & white.
Sarah, I think I was less than a week pregnant and obviously didn't know I was pregnant yet. : )
Chris: We sometimes have a staff vs. students basketball game as well. My students also ask me if I will play. This year maybe I will use your line. : )
ah. i had just joined the seminary touch football league when i got pregnant with ellen. i played one game, broke a finger and found out i was pregnant. so that was it for me.
I feel so left out. I didn't play ANY football when I was pregnant :(
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