Over the hill?
Last night we had a birthday party for my big 3-0. Jeff decorated the house with "over the hill" decorations and asked people to dress in black. I also got a cane to use in case my old age caused my legs to give out on me.

Jeff put together a little happy birthday presentation to watch for my birthday party. We had people join us in our "home theater" AKA our garage for the viewing.

Jeff put together a little happy birthday presentation to watch for my birthday party. We had people join us in our "home theater" AKA our garage for the viewing.

happy birthday!
so do you feel old? i'm always suprised that i tend to think of myself as 16 still. i suppose if i went back to myself at that age, I'd be much different than i remember. i wonder if everyone does that?
That's so cool. Was it a surprise? I don't remember you telling me you were going to have a party. My day seems so boring in comparison. Bring the birthday party presentation with you when you come down so that we can see it also.
Looking good for a thirty year old. ;)
Sarah: Yeah, it is kind of weird how I don't feel 30. I used to think that was so old. Now some of the kids driving looks SO young. So no, I don't really feel that old and yes, I think I tend to think of myself as younger than I am or I just change what my definition of old is.
Pam: No it was not a surprise. I had told Jeff it would be fun to do a 30 b-day party because I don't ever really DO birthdays. I will tell Jeff to bring the b-day presentation down if he can. He is having computer problems so borrowed the computer he did it on.
Happy birthday. You haven't reached the top of the hill kid!
Please I still feel 16!
Happy 30th, you oldie! I tend to think of myself as 23ish, until I realize that my little sister is 24. It does look like a fun party, and I can't say that I've had a birthday party in several years, either.
The party looked fun. So, where have you been this last week?
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