My Mom Visits
My mom was able to visit last week. For those of you who don't know, my step dad, Jim, was scheduled for surgery on my due date. As it worked out I had Kaia while Jim was in surgery. I heard one of the first things he asked when he woke up was how his newest granddaughter was. My mom and Jim came up before the birth to see us but the recovery time for Jim after the surgery is about a month. My mom left Jim to fend for himself for a couple of days (with prepared home cooked meals) and came up to visit last week. We were happy to see her. Jim will come up in a few weeks when the doctor says it is OK to travel. We loved having my mom here. We went shopping, to the park, took a walk. My mom was lots of help. I love being spoiled by family. : ) Love you mom. Come back soon.

I had so much fun on my visit, although I was just a little bit worried about Jim being alone. Jim is still grounded until his next check-up, hope he can go in a car soon. Can't wait to visit again soon, Love you all!
Looks like fun. I can't wait to see you guys in a few days.
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